Serena Francisco is presenting her paper "Butler's Forgiveness as a Happy Medium" at the American Philosophical Association's Eastern Division Conference on January 8, 2025.
Connor Hocking had two of his applied ethics papers selected as APA conference presentations before shifting his research focus to 19th-century philosophy. He presented "Should AI Companies Be Allowed to Train Their Algorithms on Copyrighted Music Without the Musicians’ Consent?" at the APA Eastern Division Meeting and "Preserving Deaf Culture and Selecting Children’s Genetics" at the APA Central Division Meeting.
Giannis Vasilopoulos will present his paper "Genderqueers, Activists, and Other Critical Gender Kinds" at the 2025 APA Central Division Meeting. He was invited to present his paper "Should Oppression Come with a Job Description?" at the University of Athens Graduate Philosophy Workshop. Giannis was elected as a member of the Graduate Student Council of the American Philosophical Association for the 2024–2026 term and as a Liaison to the APA Committee on LGBTQ+ People in the Profession for the 2024–2025 term. He co-edited the volume "Liber Amicorum" in honor of Professor Emeritus Stelios Virvidakis, published in October 2024. Additionally, he served as a panelist for the APA Live Webinar titled "Applying for Graduate Programs in Philosophy" in November 2024.