The Department offers a funding package to every graduate student it admits to the M.A. program.
Every funding package includes an assistantship or fellowship (see below), subsidized health insurance, and a full waiver of tuition (which in 2022-22 was $4,776/semester for Georgia residents and $15,108/semester for out-of-state residents). Students must still pay fees, about $660/semester. We believe that offering funding to all graduate students in the M.A. Program greatly improves the academic ability of our graduate students and the collegiality among the students. (Under unusual circumstances, where applicants themselves indicate that they have good reason not to pursue a funding package from Georgia State–for instance, where funding from elsewhere precludes them from also accepting funding from us–we will consider admissions without assistantships.)
Every year, the Department offers fellowships in each of its three areas of strength: Philosophy of Mind/Neurophilosophy, Social, Legal and Political Philosophy, and History of Philosophy.
- GSU's Neuroscience Institute supports two Brains & Behavior Fellowships each year, each with an annual stipend of $17,000. These fellows have reduced assistantship duties and are expected to enroll in the Neurophilosophy track.
- The Jean Beer Blumenfeld Ethics Center helps support a Fellowship in Social and Political Philosophy with an annual stipend of $17,000.
- The department also offers a Fellowship in History of Philosophy with an annual stipend of $17,000.
- Applicants who wish to be considered for one of the above should do the following: (i) send a writing sample that’s in the appropriate area, and (ii) check off in the online application that they wish to be considered for one of these fellowships. Please apply for only one of these three fellowships.
- We are excited to offer the Altman Social Justice Scholarship, endowed in honor of Professor Emeritus Andrew Altman. The scholarship, with an annual stipend of $17,000, supports the mission of the Department to increase diversity in its MA program, and will be offered to an incoming student whose experiences and background will promote diversity in the program. Applicants for this scholarship will be asked to explain, in a statement of up to 200 words, how their background and experiences (including previous curricular and extracurricular involvement) could help promote diversity in the program.
- The WellStar Fellowship in Biomedical Ethics is a unique opportunity. Fellows receive an annual stipend of $17,000 and intern in Ethics, Advance Care Planning and Spiritual Health at WellStar Health System during their time in the MA program, rather than teaching. Some portion of their time will be spent onsite at Wellstar, and some portion will involve relevant research for the Department of Philosophy. Fellows may also shadow the ethics team at bedside consultations. Applicants for the Wellstar Fellowship will be asked to explain, in a statement of up to 200 words, how their background and experiences (including previous curricular and extracurricular involvement) prepare them for this work.
- Assistantships: All other students receive an assistantship, which typically includes a stipend of at least $11,000 each year. Assuming that they meet departmental requirements, students admitted with assistantships can expect to receive four semesters of stipend support, and we support many students over the summer. (See below for departmental requirements.) Support past this time is possible but should not be expected.
- The Department also offers several Munster Conference Awards, typically between $300 to $500, to support students who travel to professional conferences to present their work.
Our initial round of admission and assistantship decisions are made considering all people whose files are complete by February 1: by this date we should have received all application materials. Any applicants wishing to be considered for one of our specialized area fellowships or scholarships should apply by this time. People applying after February 1 are more likely to go initially onto our admission wait list, although we do admit later applicants as people admitted earlier decide to go elsewhere. Like all admitted students, applicants admitted off of our wait list will be offered a funding package.
While the specific tasks asked of assistants vary, what follows should provide some sense of what an assistant might expect to do:
- Some assistants give feedback to drafts of student writing for undergraduate classes, proctor exams, or help with grading.
- Others run study sessions for students taking Critical Thinking.
- Occasionally, assistants work with professors doing such things as seeking research materials, proofreading, indexing books, and writing summaries of literature on a specific topic.
- In their second year, most graduate students are the primary instructors of Phil 1010, Critical Thinking, Phil 2010, Introduction to Philosophy, or Phil 2030, Introduction to Ethics.
Graduate students will become primary instructors only after completing most of their coursework. Before teaching, a student must have successfully completed Phil 8970 (Teaching Philosophy). In addition, every graduate student teacher will take Phil 8980 (Teaching Philosophy Practicum) during their first semester of teaching. The philosophy department takes pride in the training and support it gives to its graduate student teachers.
Assistants are paid on the last business day of the month.
For Fall, the last business day of: Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec.
For Spring, the last business day of: Jan, Feb, March, April
For Summer, the last business day of: June, July.
Students who are admitted to the M.A. program with aid are generally promised support (in the form of an assistantship, a scholarship, or a fellowship) for a period of time, contingent on remaining in good academic standing and making satisfactory academic progress. Meeting any of the conditions below will make a student subject to review by the Department and may lead to discontinuation of support.
- Being on academic warning.
- Receiving a grade below B in a letter-graded graduate level philosophy course, or a U in an S/U - graded graduate level philosophy course.
- Having more than one I (Incomplete) in a graduate level philosophy course at the start of any semester.
- Having any Incompletes in a graduate level philosophy course that have been outstanding for more than one semester.
- Taking less than a full class load (9 credit hours, excluding Phil 8900-8999) each semester during the regular academic year prior to starting work on one's thesis (indicated by being enrolled in Phil 8999).
This is not a complete list of the conditions that will make a student subject to review and may lead to discontinuation of support. It is not possible to make a complete list because there is a wide variety of unprofessional conduct that may trigger a review. Examples include (but are not limited to): theft of University property, unprofessional behavior in the classroom, violation of the University’s amorous relationship policy, violence towards other members of the University community, etc.
Note: Wherever the above policy refers to "philosophy courses" it also includes any courses taken outside the philosophy department used towards the satisfaction of the philosophy MA degree (e.g., courses for the Neurophilosophy track).
"Letter-graded" classes in the above refers to classes which are graded on an A-F basis.
Contact Us
The Department of Philosophy
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Department Chair
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Director of Graduate Studies
Department Specialist
Department Specialist, Staff Liaison to JBB Center for Ethics
Office/Delivery Address
Department of Philosophy
Georgia State University
25 Park Place, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30303
USPS Mailing Address
Department of Philosophy
Georgia State University
PO Box 3994
Atlanta, GA 30302-3984