Fall 2024:
- September 20, 2024, 3:00 PM: "Defending the Medium-Independence of Computation," Zoe Drayson (Philosophy, UC Davis). Neurophilosophy Forum.
- October 11, 2024, 3:00 PM: "A DuBoisian Social Problem for Feminist Theorists," Emily Tilton (University of Southern California).
- October 24-25: Manuscript Workshop featuring Gopal Sreenivasan (Duke University School of Medicine.) Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics.
- November 1, 2024, 3:00 PM: "Towards Identifying Kinds of Human Emotion with Machine Learning," Phillip A. Kragel, (Psychology, Emory University). Neurophilosophy Forum.
Spring 2024:
- February 9, 2024, 1:30 PM: Workshop on Disability featuring Andrew Walker-Cornetta (Religious Studies, Georgia State University), and Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (English, Emory University)
- February 16, 2024, 3:00 PM: "The Dilemma of Dirty Money," Arber Tasimi (Psychology, Emory University). Neurophilosophy Forum
- March 1, 2024, 2:00 PM: D. Justin Coates (Philosophy, University of Houston) Center for Ethics Student Forum Colloquium
- March 8, 2024, 2:00 PM: MAP Inclusive Pedagogy Workshop with CETLOE
- March 28, 2024, 2:15 PM: Panel on the Ethics of Reproductive Health Care and Pregnancy featuring: Jessica Flanigan (Leadership Studies; Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law; Richard L. Morrill Chair in Ethics & Democratic Values; University of Richmond); Molly Gardner (Philosophy, University of Florida), Perry Hendricks (Philosophy, University of Minnesota, Morris); Troy Moore Library, 25 Park Place, 23rd Floor
- April 12, 2024, 3:00 PM: Alison Springle (Philosophy, University of Miami, FL) Phi Sigma Tau
- April 19, 2024, 2:00 PM: Ting-an Lin (Philosophy, University of Connecticut) MAP
Fall 2023
- September 22, 2023: Justin D'Arms (Ohio State University), Philosophy Colloquium
- October 6, 2023: Susanna Schellenberg (Rutgers), Neurophilosophy Forum
- October 20, 2023: Kevin Vallier (Bowling Green State University), Phi Sigma Tau
- November 3, 2023: Dorit Bar-On (University of Connecticut), Neurophilosophy Forum
- November 6, 2023: Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Panel, Ethics Awareness Week
- November 10, 2023: Brent Kalar (University of New Mexico), Philosophy Colloquium
Spring 2023:
- January 27, 2023, 2:00 PM: "Natural Curiosity," Jennifer Nagel (Univ. of Toronto), Neurophilosophy Forum
- February 24,2023, 2:00 PM: "On the Rationality of Grief: Missing Persons, Magical Thinking, and the Search for the Dead," Ashley Atkins (Western Michigan University), hosted by Minorities and Philosophy (MAP)
- March 3, 2023, 2:00 PM:"How Temptation Works,” John Schwenkler (Florida State Univ.), Neurophilosophy Forum
- March 23-24, 2023: Conference on Moral Progress, featuring: Michele Moody-Adams (Columbia), Hanno Sauer (Utrecht), David Schmidtz (University of Arizona, and, West Virginia University), And a symposium with Dale Jamieson (NYU), Alex Zamalin (Rutgers)
- April 7, 2023, 2:00 PM: “Progressive Valuation,” Phillip Kitcher (Columbia University), Philosophy Colloquium co-sponsored with JBB Center for Ethics.
- April 14, 2023, 2:00 PM: "A Realistic Blacktopia: Why We Must Unite to Fight," Derrick Darby (Rutgers University) (sponsored by Philosophy, Africana Studies, JBB Center for Ethics, and Humanities Research Center), location TBA
Fall 2022
- September 9, 2022: "Epistemic Reparations" Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern Univ.), Philosophy Colloquium. (25 Park Place, Room 1618)
- September 30, 2022: "Should Doctors Disobey Abortion Bans?" Kimberley Brownlee (Univ. of British Columbia), Departmental Colloquium sponsored by the George Rainbolt Fund for Excellence in Philosophy. (2nd Floor, 25 Park Place)
October 14, 2022: "How The Chimpanzee and The Raven and The Fish Got a Theory of Mind." Neurophilosophy Forum. Daniel J. Povinelli, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana,
- October 17, 2022: “Two Puzzles About the Ethics of Divestment,” David Boonin (philosophy, University of Colorado-Boulder)
All talks will be in room 1618 unless noted and will be followed by a reception
Spring 2022
- Feb 11: Michael Lynch (Univ. of Connecticut), "Political Meaning and Political Truth"; Philosophy Colloquium
- Feb 18: Carlotta Pavese (Cornell Univ.), “Epistemic Luck, Knowledge-how, and Intentional Action”; Neurophilosophy Forum
- March 18: Conference featuring guest author Cécile Fabre (All Souls College, Oxford), to workshop the manuscript, To Snatch Something from Death: Value, Justice, and Humankind’s Cultural Heritage.
- April 1: Sean Aas (Georgetown Univ.), “Multiplicity, Embodiment, and the Demands of Agency"; CESF and MAP
- April 8: Elisabeth Pacherie (Institut Nicod), “Flow, effort, and feeling of effort”; B&B Distinguished lecture
- April 15: “Gender: Then and Now” talks by Christia Mercer (Columbia) and Robin Dembroff (Yale); organized by CESF and MAP and JBB Center for Ethics.
Fall 2021
- Sept 10, 3:00 pm: Frans de Waal (Emory Univ.),"Evolution of Empathy and Emotions in the Primates"; Neurophilosophy Forum
- Oct 15-16: North American Nietzsche Society Meeting
Spring 2021
- Feb. 12, 2021: Christian List, Philosophy and Decision Theory at LMU Munich and Co-Director of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy "Group Agency and Artificial Intelligence."
- Feb. 19, 2021: Alison Gopnik, UC Berkeley Psychology (GSU Neurophilosophy Forum) "Life history and learning, how children and elders shaped the human mind."
Fall 2020
- Sept 11: Yolanda Wilson, Howard University (GSU JBB Center for Ethics) “Empathy and Structural Injustice in the Assessment of Patient Noncompliance.”
- Dec 11: Carl Craver, Wash U. St. Louis (GSU Brains & Behavior Distinguished Lecturer) “Living Without Memory: Amnesia and Agency”
Speaker Archive 2002-2020
Spring 2020
Thursday-Friday, February 6-7th
Jason Stanley (Yale) Humanities Research Center
Friday, March 6th
Lauren Ross (UC-Irvine) Neurophilosophy Forum
“The Distinctiveness of Disease Explanation”
Monday, March 23 (postponed to next year)
Robin Dembroff (Yale University), JBB Center for Ethics Colloquium
Friday, March 27 (postposed to next year)
Michael Lynch (University of Connecticut)
Friday, April 17th (postponed to next year)
Frans de Waal (Emory), Neurophilosophy Forum
Unless otherwise noted, all talks are in the Department of Philosophy Conference Room,
Room 1618, 25 Park Place, Atlanta, GA 30303.
*Note: Robin Dembroff's and Michael Lynch's talks have been postponed to Spring 2021 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Ken Taylor (Stanford University and host of Philosophy Talk) will be visiting the Department as a Provost’s Visiting Scholar for a week in September 2019.
Friday, September 13th
GSU’s Department of Philosophy will host a manuscript workshop on Taylor’s A Natural History of Normative Consciousness, with Ram Neta (UNC) and Axel Mueller (Northwestern) as visiting commentators.
Wednesday, September 18th
Ken Taylor will deliver a public talk, cosponsored by GSU’s Humanities Research Center, on Sept. 18: “The Robots Are Coming: Ethics, Society and Politics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.”
Friday, November 15th
Aaron Meskin (University of Georgia)
"Really Bad Genres"
Friday, January 25th, 1:00 PM
Richard Dub, Swiss Center of the Affective Sciences
"Exploring Emotions by Exploring Psychosis"
Thursday, February 7, 4:30 pm, Speaker’s Auditorium, GSU Student Center
Kwame Anthony Appiah(New York University, Philosophy and Law) Humanities Research Center
"Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World Of Strangers"
Friday, March 1, 3:00 pm
Alison Simmons (Harvard University, Philosophy)
"Descartes and the Modern Mind"
Friday, March 29, 3:00 pm
Susanna Siegel (Harvard University, Philosophy) Neurophilosophy Forum
"Does Perception Come in Degrees?"
Friday, April 5, 3:00 pm
Katy Fulfer (University of Waterloo, Philosophy)
“Welcoming Refugees? Rethinking Arendt on Refugee Assimilation and Belonging”
Karen Ng, Vanderbilt University
“Reason and Unreason in Hegel’s Rational State”
Azim Shariff, University of California, Irvine
“The Ethical Dilemmas of Self-Driving Cars”
Joe LeDoux, New York University
“Putting ‘Fear’ Back into the Science of Fear”
Bryce Huebner, Georgetown University
Laurie Paul, University of North Carolina
"Transformative Experience, Discovery, and Technology"
Steve Stich, Rutgers University
"Moral Sentimentalism and the Boundaries of Morality"
Eric Schwitzgebel, University of California, Riverside
Adina Roskies, Dartmouth University
Kathryn Tabb, Columbia University
Michael Gill, University of Arizona
Jonathan Adler, City University of New York
Larry Alexander, University of San Diego
Mark Alfano, CUNY Graduate Center
Julia Annas, University of Arizona
Louise Antony, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Richard Arneson, University of California, San Diego
Nomy Arpaly, Brown University
Dorit Bar-on, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Marcia Baron, Indiana University
William Bechtel, University of California, San Diego
Lawrence Becker, College of William & Mary
Rüdiger Bittner, Universität Bielefeld
Ned Block, New York University
Sissela Bok, Harvard University
Jason Brennan, Georgetown University
Ingo Brigandt, University of Edmonton
Dan Brock, Harvard University
Allen Buchanan, Duke University
Daniel Burnston, Tulane University
Sarah Buss, University of Iowa
Alex Byrne, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Elizabeth Camp, Rutgers University
David Chalmers, Australian National University
Joseph, Carens, University of Toronto
Martin Carrier, Universität Bielefeld
Thomas Christiano, University of Arizona
Patricia Churchland, University of California, San Diego
Paul Churchland, University of California, San Diego
C.A.J. Coady, University of Melbourne
Justin Coates, University of Houston
Jules Coleman, Yale University and New York University
John Cooper, Princeton University
David Copp, University of Florida
Fiery Cushman, Harvard University
Jonathan Dancy, University of Texas, Austin
Drrick Darby, University of Michigan
Steven Darwall, University of Michigan
Victoria Davion, University of Georgia
N. Ann Davis, Pomona College
Cora Diamond, University of Virginia
Felipe DeBrigard, Duke University
John Deigh, University of Texas, Austin
Candice Delmas, Clemson University
Lara Denis, Agnes Scott College
Daniel Dennett, Tufts University
Dave DeSteno, Northeastern University
David Estlund, Brown University
Owen Flanagan, Duke University
Jerry Fodor, Rutgers University
Leslie Francis, University of Utah
John Gardner, Oxford University and Yale University
Aaron Garrett, Boston University
Don Garrett, New York University
Gerald Gaus, Tulane University
Hannah Ginsborg, University of California, Berkeley
Jonathan Glover, Kings College London
Lydia Goehr, Columbia University
Sarah Goering, University of Washington
Alex Gourevitch, Political Theory, Brown University
Michael Green, University of Chicago
Mitchell Green, University of Virginia
Valerie Hardcastle, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Daniel Hausman, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Iwao Hirose, Harvard University
Donald Hubin, Ohio State University
Thomas Hurka, University of Toronto
Frank Jackson, Australian National University
Agnieszka Jaworska, Stanford University
Mark Jenkins, Johns Hopkins University
Frances Kamm, New York University
Robert Kane, University of Texas, Austin
Robin Kar, University of Illinois Law School
Elizabeth Kiss, Agnes Scott College
Patricia Kitcher, Columbia University
Eva Kittay, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Colin Klein, University of Illinois – Chicago
Joshua Knobe, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Joshua Knobe, Yale University
Uriah Kriegel, University of Arizona
Timothy Kuhner, GSU Law
Christopher Kutz, University of California, Berkeley
Kevin LeBar, Duke University
Brian Leiter, University of Texas, Austin
Jacob Levy, McGill University
Judith Lichtenberg, Georgetown University
Tania Lombrozo, University of California, Berkeley
Anthony Long, University of California, Berkeley
David Luban, Georgetown University
Heidi Maibom, Carleton University
Rudolf Makkreel, Emory University
Heidi Malm, Loyola University, Chicago
Eric Mandelbaum, Oxford University
Stefano Maso, Università Ca’Foscari, Venice
Larry May, Washington University, St. Louis
Robert McCauley, Emory University
Chad McCracken, Lake Forest College
Jeff McMahan, Rutgers University
Chris McMahon, University of California, Santa Barbara
Al Mele, Florida State University
Adam Minter
Donald Moon, Wesleyan University
Adrian Moore, Oxford University
Greg Moore, University of st. Andrews, UK
Chris Morris, University of Maryland, College Park
Shaun Nichols, University of Arizona
Martha Nussbaum, University of Chicago
Onora O’Neill, Cambridge University
James Otteson, Executive Director of the BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism at Wake Forest University
Richard Parry, Agnes Scott College
Derk Pereboom, Cornell University
Gualtiero Piccinini, University of Missouri, St. Louis
Gerald Postema, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Prasanta Pattanaik, University of California – Riverside
Jesse Prinz, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Linda Radzik, Texas A&M University
Donald Regan, University of Michigan
Bernard Reginster, Brown University
David Reidy, University of Tennessee
Henry Richardson, Georgetown University
David Rodin, Oxford University
Connie Rosati, University of Arizona
Don Ross, University of Cape Town
Ani Satz, Emory University
Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Elizabeth Schechter, Washington University, St. Louis
David Schmidtz, University of Arizona
Russ Shafer-Landau, University of Wisconsin
Anita Silvers, San Francisco State University
A. John Simmons, University of Virginia
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Duke University
Saul Smilansky, University of Haifa
Michael Smith, Princeton University
Patricia Smith, City University of New York
David Sobel, Bowling Green State University
Elliott Sober, University of Wisconsin
Ernest Sosa, Rutgers University
Shannon Spaulding, Washington University in St. Louis
Jeff Spinner-Halev, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
David Spurrett, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Chandra Sripada, University of Michigan
Cynthia Stark, University of Utah
Michael Stocker, Syracuse University
John Stuhr, Emory Univeristy
Nicholas Sturgeon, Cornell University
James Taggart, Georgetown University
Yael Tamir, Tel Aviv University
James Stacey Taylor, The College of New Jersey
Laura Taylor, North Carolina State University
Giulio Tononi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Peter Vallentyne, University of Missouri
Andrew Valls, Morehouse College
Peter van Inwagen, University of Notre Dame
Candace Vogler, The University of Chicago
Alexander Volokh, Emory University
Frances de Waal, Emory University
Margaret Urban Walker
Jeremy Waldron, Columbia University
Alec Walen, University of Baltimore
Georgia Warnke, University of California, Riverside
David Wasserman, University of Maryland
Deena Weisberg, Temple University
Christopher Wellman, Washington University, St. Louis
Clark Wolf, University of Iowa
Jonathan Wolff, University College London
Sophia Wong, Long Island University, Brooklyn
James Woodbridge, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Wayne Wu, Carnegie Mellon University
Noam Zohar, Bar Ilan University
Matthew Zwolinski, University of San Diego
Gideon Yaffe, Yale University Law School
Naomi Zack, University of Oregon