Abbreviations and Citations of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Works
The same citation format is utilized throughout the journal. References to Nietzsche’s texts are given in the body of the articles and reviews. References to Nietzsche’s unpublished writings are standardized, whenever possible, to refer to the most accessible print editions of Nietzsche’s notebooks and publications: Kritische Studienausgabe (KSA), compiled under the general editorship of Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari and based on the complete edition of the Kritische Gesamtausgabe (KGW)(Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1967ff). References to the print editions of letters published by de Gruyter are cited as KSB (Sämtliche Briefe: Kritische Studienausgabe) or KGB (Briefe: Kritische Gesamtausgabe). References to Nietzsche’s juvenilia appear in Historisch-Kritische Gesammtsausgabe, edited by Hans Joachim Mette and Karl Schlechta, 9 vols. (Munich: C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1934-40), which is standardly abbreviated BAW.
In references to Nietzsche’s works, Roman numerals generally denote the volume number of a set of collected works or standard subdivision within a single work, and Arabic numerals denote the relevant section number. In cases in which Nietzsche’s prefaces are cited, the letter P is used followed by the relevant section number, where applicable. When a section is too long for the section number alone to be useful, the page number of the relevant translation is also provided. In the cases in which the KGW and KSA are cited, references provide the volume number (and part for KGW) followed by the relevant fragment number and any relevant aphorism (e.g., KSA 10:12[1].37, p. 1 refers to volume 10, fragment 12[1], aphorism 37, page 1).
Abbreviations for Titles of Published Works
- AOM = Vermischte Meinungen und Sprüche (in Menschliches Allzumenschliches II): frequently translated as Assorted Opinions and Maxims
- BGE = Jenseits von Gut und Böse; translated as Beyond Good and Evil
- BT = Die Geburt der Tragödie; translated as The Birth of Tragedy
- CW = Der Fall Wagner; translated as The Case of Wagner
- D = Morgenröthe; frequently translated as Daybreak or Dawn
- DS = David Strauss (Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen I)
- GM = Zur Genealogie der Moral; frequently translated as On the Genealogy of Morals or On the Genealogy of Morality
- GS = Die fröhliche Wissenschaft; frequently translated as The Gay Science or The Joyful Wisdom
- HH = Menschliches, Allzumenschliches; translated as Human, All Too Human
- HL = Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben (Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen II); frequently translated as “On the Use and Disadvantage of History for Life”
- IM = “Idyllen aus Messina”; translated as “Idylls from Messina”
- RWB = Richard Wagner in Bayreuth (Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen IV)
- SE = Schopenhauer als Erzieher (Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen III); translated as Schopenhauer as Educator
- TI = Götzen-Dämmerung; translated as Twilight of the Idols; references to this work also include an abbreviated section name
- UM = Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen; frequently translated as Untimely Meditations, Unmodern Observations, or Unfashionable Observations
- WS = Der Wanderer und sein Schatten (in Menschliches, Allzumenschliches II); translated as The Wanderer and His Shadow
- Z = Also sprach Zarathustra (part IV originally published privately); translated as Thus Spoke Zarathustra; references to this work also include an abbreviated section name
Abbreviations for Other Frequently Cited Private Publications, Authorized Manuscripts, and Collections of Nietzsche’s Unpublished Writings and Notes
- A = Der Antichrist; frequently translated as The Antichrist or The Antichristian
- DD = Dionysos-Dithyramben; translated as Dionysian Dithyrambs
- DW = “Die dionysische Weltanschauung”; translated as “The Dionysian Worldview”
- EH = Ecce Homo; references to this work also include an abbreviated section name
- FEI = “Über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten”; translated as “On the Future of Our Educational Institutions”
- GSt = “Der griechische Staat”; translated as “The Greek State”
- HC = “Homer’s Wettkampf”; translated as “Homer’s Contest”
- HCP = “Homer und die klassische Philologie”; translated as “Homer and Classical Philology”
- NCW = Nietzsche contra Wagner
- PPP = “Die vorplatonischen Philosophen”; translated as “The Pre-Platonic Philosophers”
- PTAG = “Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen”; translated as Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks
- SGT = “Sokrates und die griechische Tragödie”; translated as “Socrates and Greek Tragedy”
- TL = “Über Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne“; frequently translated as “On Truth and Lies in an Extra-moral Sense”
- WPh = “Wir Philologen”; translated as “We Philologists” or “We Classicists”
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